One of the bigger challenges in the fashion industry is post consumer waste. In Rotterdam only, 2 million kilos of textile waste are gathered every year by Opnieuw Goed, the company responsible for sorting the city’s textile containers. Currently, 9% of the waste from textile containers can be re-used locally. 29% is used for material recycling, but the majority of the textile is exported and frequently ends up on the African continent. The destructive impact of these secondhand products still remains largely intangible for its original owners.

On June 4th, Versatile Forever and Fashion in Flux invite Ghanaian visual artist Sel Kofiga for a performative lecture about these waste streams. Together with sound artist Phantom Wizard, Kofiga will let us experience the meaning of secondhand textiles for local communities and ecosystems. Kofiga is the founder of kumfo domfo, a Ghana-based brand exploring the politics and sites of waste colonialism. The vibrant energy of Kantamanto – one of the biggest and busiest second-hand clothing markets in West Africa - inspired Kofiga to start the brand. At Kantamanto, hundreds of bales of clothes from the Global North arrive every week. Kofiga documents stories about this secondhand clothing by speaking with resellers, asking questions, and taking photos and videos. He translates his findings into hand-painted wearables, films and performances. 

Panel talk
After the performance, Kofiga will join a panel talk with three other fashion guests, who will be announced in May. The talk will be moderated by Yophi Ignacia and Esther Muñoz Grootveld, founders of Fashion in Flux. 

Versatile Academy
The event ‘Textile Wasteland’ marks the start of Versatile Academy, a program that aims to bridge the gap between small scale fashion labels and textile sorting and recycling companies. During six months, four fashion makers are challenged to dive into the sorting and recycling process, and rethink the ways we find, sort, value and reuse second hand textiles. 

Versatile Academy is an initiative of Rotterdam-based fashion brand Versatile Forever and is organized in close collaboration with platform Fashion in Flux. The project is supported by sorting- and recycling company Opnieuw Goed, Creative Industry Fund NL and Gemeente Rotterdam. The visit of Sel Kofiga is made possible by the International Visitors Programme of the Nieuwe Instituut with support from the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Organized by: 

Versatile Forever in collaboration with Fashion in Flux

Supported by:
Opnieuw Goed, New Institute, Gemeente Rotterdam, Creative Industry Fund NL

Entrance price:

€7,50 (regular price)

€5,00 (students)

€0 (participants Versatile Academy + those who applied for our Open Call)

Speakers + links socials:

About Sel Kofiga

With a practice that straddles across performance, film, textile and photography, visual artist Sel Kofiga focuses on the study of belief and ritual making, exploring colonised territories, material culture, communal relations and spatiotemporal consciousness. In addition to this, he is the founder and creative director of kumfo domfo (fka The Slum Studio), a Ghanaian-based brand exploring the politics and sites of waste colonialism.

Make sure to also read the full terms & conditions BEFORE APPLYING


I have no educational background, but I am self thought. Can I apply?

Yes! We encourage everyone that is skilled and shares our mission to make the fashion industry a better place, to apply for this open call. With or without an educational background. An active practice within the field however is required.

I am not yet using upcycling in my practice, but I want to. Can I apply?

Yes! If you have the plans to implement upcycling into your business you can apply for this open call. If you successfully convince the jury panel of your skills, thoughts and ideas, you have the same chances as someone that already does upcycling.

I am still a student, can I apply?

No, unfortunately not. You have to be at least 18 years old or older and not currently studying.

What is the program of Versatile Academy about?

For the first edition in 2024, 4 (fashion) makers are invited to participate. Individually and as a group, the participants explore new possibilities for sorting and repurposing used textiles, within the local fashion chain. Under the guidance of experts, they work towards feasible ideas and concepts around upcycling and (sorting) secondhand textile.

A final presentation / showcase will take place at the end of 2024, in a form to be determined, where the participants show the outcomes and conclusions of their research and created work.

What does the planning of Versatile Academy look like?

The Versatile Academy trajectory lasts approximately 6 months (between June and December 2024) and consists of the following program elements:

  • Academy Days: inspiring events with master classes & lectures
  • Workshops: actively work with an (international) guest / expert
  • Creator’s Days: individual coaching of the participants work
  • Academy Nights: informal gatherings for community building

The program elements as described above will take place four times in 2024, always clustered as a series within one week. Events can take place on any day throughout the week, during the day or in the evening.

Exact dates and times of events/meetings are determined by the organization and will be announced at least 3 weeks in advance.

In the meantime participants work towards their end presentation in their own time. During fixed days in the week they are allowed to source in the sorting center of OpnieuwGoed. These moments are meant to learn about the proces, source fabric and get inspired.

It's called 'Academy', is it some kind of school?

No, it is not a school. Versatile Academy is a project where all participants and involved partners will learn, invest, grow and reflect. That is why it is called 'Academy'.

How much is the fee and how do I earn it?

If the responsibilities as described in the terms & conditions are met, a total fee of up to €3,000 ex. VAT per participant will be paid. All costs, including necessary travel and expenses, fall within this amount. The total amount will be made available by the organization in three installments:

€500 ex. VAT after completing the first series of Academy events/meetings.

€ 2,000,- ex. VAT after presenting a feasible concept / idea to the organization.

€ 500,- ex. VAT after completing the entire process and delivering a final presentation.